Crafty Builders is an animated children's series, created with the goal to inspire the imagination and actively promote play with wooden building blocks.
Episode 02 / owl-ing to the moon.In the second full episode of crafty builders, the builders are working at night and face several new challenges. They learn and overcome obstacles, while reaching new heights. For building such a complex and unstable model, they use supports and other fun ideas to complete this owling task.
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Task 01 - Giraffe
Episode 2 - Owl HD teaser |
Episode 1 - The Bell TowerOn their first task the builders collaborate quickly and efficiently with each other to build the town’s bell tower. Crafty fork helps unload the blocks quickly from the crafty truck, and brings it to the others. Together they create the sturdy structure, and achieve their first goal.
There are five vehicle tools who are the crafty builders themselves and represent a child at play. Mainly using the basic set of wooden blocks, which are readily available, the crafty builders unveil in each episode exciting and wondrous possibilities to create.
In a simple and friendly manner, the builders take on new and exciting tasks and approach them in ever evolving ways. The animations are all made in 3D, and concentrate on the builders physical moves and interactions, only using sound and mechanical animation.
We believe that spending time with ones children and participating in such activities is an excellent way to interact and learn for both children and parents, and we hope to encourage and raise awareness of the child's infinite imagination, how a simple shape and color can, using creativity and imagination, mean much much more. The series is mainly intended for early age children, and of course their families, and in general for just fun!!
In a simple and friendly manner, the builders take on new and exciting tasks and approach them in ever evolving ways. The animations are all made in 3D, and concentrate on the builders physical moves and interactions, only using sound and mechanical animation.
We believe that spending time with ones children and participating in such activities is an excellent way to interact and learn for both children and parents, and we hope to encourage and raise awareness of the child's infinite imagination, how a simple shape and color can, using creativity and imagination, mean much much more. The series is mainly intended for early age children, and of course their families, and in general for just fun!!